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Monday, July 28, 2008

I believe You're my healer!!

I came across a song today that I believe is being used of God in mighty ways. Please, please go watch the video here. I wish I had heard this song 7 1/2 years ago when Ricky was diagnosed with Leukemia. God brought us through the same kind of realizations and thoughts back then as the song describes now - it's just so amazing to hear it all in worship form. I hope that someday God will use me to write a song that has an impact like this one does - that changes hearts and affects people the way this song does. I am overwhelmed right now. In every aspect of our lives, we can call on God, our Healer. We can lay our sickness and pain and addictions and relationships and hurts down at the feet of Jesus. At the feet of the One by whose "stripes we are healed!" I pray that whatever you are dealing with today - no matter how sad, trying, difficult - that you will lay it down at His feet and call on Him to be your Healer. What a beautiful song!

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