About Me

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Words We Use...

I posted awhile back about some of the reasons I believe Compass is different - check it out here.
I also read a post by Tony Morgan this morning that talked about the importance of choosing our words wisely when talking to people who are just discovering Christ and His church - check it out here.

I was reminded of the importance of what we're doing at Compass Church.
There are so many people in the Alliance, TX area, and Roanoke in particular, that are in need of a church that will introduce them to Christ in a way that they can understand.

When missionaries visit foreign countries to introduce Christ to people who've never heard of Him before, they always go prepared to speak the language of the people they're trying to reach. It just makes sense. Of course, as Tony mentioned, they don't water-down the Message - they simply put it into terms that the people there will understand.

That's what we want to do. We want to remove all the barriers between the people we're trying to reach, and the One we're following. We want to give them an opportunity to clearly and easily see the love of the Savior - and what that can mean to them.

That's it. That's what it's about - Loving people like Jesus loved people so that maybe, through us, they will see Jesus - and finally understand who He really is. Everything we do is tied to that.

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