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Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas Songs

I've been putting together a list of must-play Christmas songs for our Christmas Eve Service. I'm also working on a few originals to see if I can bring some modern to mesh with the old.

I read a blog today that talks about the 'retro' and 'overplay' issues with Christmas music in the church. Check it out here.

What do you think? What are the must-play Christmas songs? How do you feel about the 'retro' feel?

1 comment:

Ben said...

Kim, great comments on the post over at my site. I agree with tmc, I hadn't thought about it, but yes there is quite a bit of "forgiveness" (maybe not the best word for it)in many allowing us to venture back to the retro nostalgia of the Christmas music.

Maybe sometimes we worship leaders get a little too wrapped up in making things so contemporary that we wear ourselves out working so hard to arrange the music in a way that speaks to our generation. And maybe all we need to do is just pull out the hymn and sing a few of the traditional songs as written. Hmmmm...is it possible for worship leaders to leave a traditional song alone?

I'm subscribing to your site on my firefox feed. I love reading other worship leaders stuff! Glad you're out here!