About Me

Friday, July 18, 2008

I've hit the big 30

Blogs that is. I now officially subscribe to 30 blogs. Crazy, I know. My mom is always asking me how I have the time to read that many blogs each day - but the truth is it only takes about 10 or 15 minutes (unless they are really good and then it takes more). I can't subscribe to anymore than 30 - that would be madness. So - in case you want to know what I'm reading each day, here are a few of my favorites:

http://www.zonegathering.com/ - this is a blog for the discipleship leaders at National Community Church. I know I'm not one of them, but there is some amazing content on this blog.

http://discipleshipgroups.blogspot.com/ - this is the blog of the pastor of discipleship at National Community Church, Heather Zempel. She is one of my favorite people in the blogosphere. Amazing writer & leader - I learn alot from her.

http://www.ragamuffinsoul.com/ - Carlos Whittaker's blog. He's the worship leader at Buckhead Church in Atlanta. He did a recent post about what we love / don't love about our worship leader - really good insight.

http://therightnowcampaign.blogspot.com/ - A blog for leaders of 20 & 30 somethings. Loads of great stuff.

http://starfieldonline.com/blog/ - the blog from my very favorite band, Starfield. These guys are so in love with Jesus & his people it's inspiring.

There are so many more, but I'll leave you with just a few...

Some friends:

Some people that inspire me:
http://haleyeah.typepad.com/jacinda/ - this mom does themed family nights with her family that are amazing.

That's all for now. I'm up to 30 amazing blogs - how many do you read?

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