About Me

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Servant Evangelism

Last night was awesome! So many people came out - and I even made a few bucks (and pictures - hee, hee). Most of our youth group came - and I had a blast!

This morning was awesome too! We had one of our Saturday Service Projects as part of our Servant Evangelism Team that Ricky and I are in charge of coordinating. We've been feeling like we've not done the best job with casting the vision for the Servant Evangelism team - but this morning, we are thinking we're getting a lot closer. There were about 6-7 people that signed up prior to the event to help with it. We were scheduled to help an elderly woman paint in her house (it badly needed it), and help another woman with a fence that had suffered damage from the storms we had a while back - along with some tree/limb trimming. Well, we had like 15 people show up to help! We had enough people that we sent one team to each project and another team to do some other projects we found out about this morning.

I was encouraged. We're still not where we want to be - but we're getting closer. Our desire is that every person in our church will have the amazing opportunity to show Jesus' love in this practical way. We truly believe that this is an important step in reaching people with the love of Jesus. I hope that in the months to come we will have even more people catch the vision and jump on board. Today was awesome! I can't wait for the next one.

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